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Low mood at university or at work

Experiencing low mood related to circumstances at university or work is very common.

For younger adults, leaving home for the first time and entering a high-pressure academic or professional environment can be scary, stressful, and isolating, which can lead to feelings of sadness, worry, low self-esteem, and hopelessness.

Dealing with low mood at university

At university, you might feel lonely because you are away from family and friends. You might feel overwhelmed by the workload, nervous about upcoming exams or essays, or concerned that you’re not performing well. Your low mood may also be exacerbated by circumstances external to university, such as financial problems, illness or bereavement in the family.

Students suffering from low mood often end up skipping lectures and tutorials, which can worsen feelings of anxiety, stress, and low self-esteem. You may find that you sleep a lot and rely on alcohol to improve your mood.

If any of the above sounds familiar, it’s a good idea to speak to a doctor, and to access the pastoral care available at your institution. Universities are well equipped to offer counselling, advice, and support to students suffering from low mood. Typically, academic allowances or adjustments are also made, which can help lighten the burden.

Dealing with low mood at work

Having a job can come with a lot of responsibility – and sometimes more than you feel able to handle. If you find your work difficult or you don’t get on with your co-workers you might start to dread going into work but feel unable to quit due to money constraints. These kinds of issues can lead to low mood.

The good news is that UK companies have gotten much better at coping with mental health issues. Not only is your employer legally prevented from discriminating against you because of a mental health condition, they also must provide reasonable adjustments to make sure your work is more manageable.

If you’re suffering from low mood at work, the first thing you should do is speak to a doctor. You can also book an appointment to speak to a GP with Doctor Care Anywhere today if you're worrying about low mood. 


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