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Viral Infections: causes, symptoms, and how to treat them

Viral infections are behind many common illnesses, such as the common cold. Unlike bacterial infections, viral infections don’t respond to antibiotics. Fortunately, most viral infections resolve on their own within days or weeks. Respiratory tract infections (RTIs), which affect the nose, throat, sinuses, airways, and lungs, are some of the most frequent types of viral infections.

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What is a viral infection?

A viral infection occurs when a virus—a microscopic organism—enters the body, invades healthy cells, and uses them to reproduce. This process can disrupt the normal function of your cells and trigger symptoms of illness.

If you have a strong immune system, your body can usually fight off a viral infection. Often, your immune system will “remember” the virus, granting you immunity to it in the future. However, some viruses remain in your body long-term, causing periodic flare-ups of symptoms over time.

Antibiotics are ineffective against viruses. While antiviral medications may help control some viral infections, they don’t cure them outright but instead reduce symptom severity or slow the virus’s activity.

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What are common viral infections?

Many viral infections affect the respiratory tract, causing symptoms in the nose, throat, sinuses, airways, and lungs. Common respiratory tract infections caused by viruses include:


Common cold

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Pneumonia (though often bacterial, it can be viral)

What are the symptoms of a viral infection?

Viral infections produce a range of symptoms, depending on the virus and the part of the body it affects.

Respiratory tract infections

  • The common cold causes a blocked or runny nose, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, headaches, and sometimes a mild fever.
  • The flu causes more intense symptoms, such as a high fever, body aches, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping. Some people may also experience nausea, vomiting, or diarrhoea.

Conditions triggered by a cold or flu

  • Bronchitis: Inflammation of the airways causing a persistent cough (sometimes with yellow or green phlegm).
  • Laryngitis: Inflammation of the voice box leading to hoarseness, a sore throat, and coughing.
  • Tonsillitis: Inflammation of the tonsils causing pain when swallowing, a sore throat, and sometimes white spots in the throat.
  • Sinusitis: Inflammation of the sinuses causing facial pain, a blocked nose, and tenderness around the cheeks or forehead.
  • Pneumonia: A serious lung infection causing a persistent cough (sometimes with discoloured phlegm), difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, fever, and chest pain.

Other viral infections

  • Glandular fever: A fever, severe sore throat, extreme fatigue, and swollen glands.
  • Mumps: Fever, aches, nausea, and painful swollen glands, which may change the shape of the face.
  • Measles: Early symptoms mimic a cold, followed by a distinctive rash.

Managing viral infections & when to seek help

Viral infections typically don’t require prescription medication unless symptoms are severe or complications arise. To manage mild symptoms at home, you can:

  • Take over-the-counter painkillers, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.
  • Use cough syrups or throat lozenges to relieve sore throats or coughing.
  • Stay hydrated and rest.

Seek medical advice if:

  • Your symptoms persist for more than two weeks.
  • Your symptoms worsen or are very severe.
  • You suspect pneumonia.

Pneumonia may require antibiotics (if bacterial) or hospital care in severe cases.

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How can I avoid viral infections?

Preventing viral infections can be challenging, but taking the following precautions can reduce your risk:

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Practice good hygiene

Wash your hands regularly and clean communal surfaces frequently.

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Get the flu jab

This annual vaccine is free for pregnant women, those over 65, and individuals with certain health conditions.