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How you can think smarter about your colleagues mental health

Posted by DCA

Prioritising Employee Wellbeing 

Mental health is often taken for granted, especially in the workplace. The result? An estimated 33.7 million working days were lost in 2023/24 due to self-reported work-related ill health or injury. 

Whether working from home, back in the office, or still figuring out a system that works best for your business, you can make a real difference when it comes to helping employees stay healthy, feel supported, and happy at work. 

By learning how to spot signs of poor mental health, improve wellbeing within your team, and support those with mental health problems, you can foster a more productive and positive work environment. 

Burning Issues 

Employees are reporting increased workplace intensity and more significant pressure at work: 

‘Burning out’ sounds extreme, but the causes are recognisable in most workplaces: feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, cynical or detached from the job, and a sense of ineffectiveness. 

Left untreated, mental health issues at work can lead to more serious, long-term conditions such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. 

Don’t stress. There’s plenty you can do.

Take a deep breath. The good news is that openly discussing and addressing mental health problems is quickly becoming an accepted part of workplace interactions. 

As well as checking in personally with your team, here are a few strategies to consider at work: 

  • Start a culture of ‘openness’ about mental health: Encourage staff to express how they really feel, so you can take appropriate action and provide support. 
  • Educate everyone about stress: Support mental health awareness campaigns to help normalise these conditions. 
  • Keep an eye out: Not in a creepy or invasive way. Just observe how your employees are feeling. What’s the mood in the office? If workloads are getting hectic, can they be pared back or managed better? 
  • Build in flexible working: As long as priorities are clearly communicated, discussing workloads often flows into wider conversations about mental health. 
  • Encourage a culture of wellbeing: Try introducing mindfulness sessions, yoga, or even board game events. All these can help to create a calmer, more considerate working environment. 

Mental health first aiders 

Some organisations are actively bringing mental health conversations out into the open, by designating and training up volunteers to be mental health ‘first aiders’. 

Like the physical first aid course, mental first aiders are trained to look out for the signs of mental health issues, how to support someone, and even how to create an action plan for the most common symptoms, such as anxiety and stress.  

Need help? Think Doctor Care Anywhere  

Considering your employee’s mental wellbeing is the first step towards a happier, more productive workplace. 
If you do think one of your team would benefit from speaking in confidence to a professional, encourage them to access appointments with one of our clinicians - 24/7. 

Our GPs and ACPs are on hand 7 days a week, 365 days a year and can offer invaluable support and advice, helping your employees get back to feeling themselves. And helping your work force return to full force.