
Doctor Care Anywhere is committed to providing high quality safeguarding services to our patients.

Promoting a safeguarding culture

We recognise that safeguarding children, young people and adults is a statutory duty, and our teams are expected to be able to recognise and respond appropriately when a child, young person or adult may need support.

In order to support staff to do this, we have 2 named professionals and 2 deputy professionals for safeguarding children, young persons and adults to promote a culture of ‘safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility’ across the organisation.

We incorporate the ‘THINK FAMILY’ approach and have robust policies and procedures in place for staff to follow in the event of safeguarding concerns.


Doctor Care Anywhere works in partnership with a range of statutory, and voluntary agencies including NHS services, local authorities and emergency services to help prevent abuse or neglect and promote the health and wellbeing of all children, young persons and adults.

We believe collaboration with other agencies supports our ability to provide the highest standards of safeguarding care to our patients and promotes shared care across the health sector.

For any queries or engagement discussions, the safeguarding team can be contacted on